Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Make Your Blog Look Better... For Free

I am a bit of a frugal person (understatement of the year) and don't really believe in spending money on things you can get for free. Some people spend a lot of money creating a blog that will make them some money. Some are successful some are not. Personally I am in the category that you shouldn't spend money until you begin earning at least when it comes to blogging.

There are a lot of free resources on the web you can use to make your blog look more professional, even if you can't design worth the beans. Have you seen my last attempt at creating my own printable? Ummm... yeah. But I am an expert at locating gorgeous (and almost always free) printables and resources.

First off I think a pretty header for your blog title is a must. I snagged the header I am currently using as a freebie from LeeLou- Blogs but unfortunately all her cute freebies are now offered for a small price.

But I have attempted to make my own headers to share with all my readers which you are free to use however you want for personal or commercial use except to sell or offer as a freebie on your own site. Although a link-up would be greatly appreciated. =)

Blue and Yellow...

Blue and Pink Stripes...

Should just be able to right click and save them to your computer. I created them in png. format so the background is transparent but if you have any troubles just comment or email and I will try to figure it out.

Also there are 5 cute options over at Dana Sears with tutorial on how to add them. Make sure you grab them there for better quality.

Secondly, I love blog buttons and have made these awesome free sidebar titles for you. They come in various colours and I offer a blank one as well so you can open them in paint and customize them with your own subheadings.

There are also great social media buttons from a Typical English Home as well, with a tutorial even a computer illiterate like myself can follow. Or you can grab some from I Rock So What


For more free social media icons check out my Social Media icon Round-Up. So there is my beginning ways to make your free wordpress or blogger blog look a little more professional and less... well free. Will get to backgrounds and more free blog elements in a later post.


  1. These are so cute and I love free, too! Thanks for sharing them for all of us! Glad you came over to Together on Tuesdays, too :)

  2. Thanks for collecting all of these/making the blog headers!

  3. Me too! I just hate paying for stuff however sometimes I take so long to do it myself or ages hunting on the internet for free options I like, I should purchase and spend the time blogging instead. Thanks for the suggestions. Fran

  4. Thanks for all the goodies and tips! Pinned for reference! Found this at Totally Terrific Tuesday, thanks for sharing.

  5. These are great! Thank You! I plan to re design my Blog in the next week and this is helpful!!

    1. I'm glad you found this post helpful! Please come back and link up your redesigned blog

  6. I found this pinned to one of Christy Harvey's boards (Christy's Cooking Creations). Such good information here- thank you! I have repinned, and plan to get one of the headers. Following on G+ and Twitter. Would love for you to link this up at my party today, Treasure Box Tuesday. Regardless, it's great to meet you. Happy Tuesday!!

    1. Thanks for repining and following ! I appreciate it. Hoping to design some new headers in the near future. And will jump over and link up to Treasure Box Tuesday and will also add it to my Link Party Directory:

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Great post! I love freebies, and it's great that you've rounded up some great blog freebies here. Thanks for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday this week!

  9. Good tips I need to use! Visiting from the mom blog party .

  10. Thanks so much! I don't have much time to learn about resources, but my blog needs work. I will start with some of these links!

  11. That's so nice of you to share this with everyone! Thanks for all the goodies!

  12. Thanks so much! I will use these to fancy up my site

  13. Kristen, thanks so much for sharing the buttons, banners, etc.! I've pinned this post to my board for future reference-- very handy!-- Melissa

  14. I found you at the Linky party. Great ideas. I even thought to reblog it but didn't see a button. I have a Linky party, if I put "follow me" in a banner, wouldn't that be too blatant self-promotion? Do you?

    1. Hi Janice I checked out your blog and your link party, I personally wouldn't put a follow me in a banner I would put a small image of myself or my blog button with all the ways to follow you underneath it because you want people to follow you on all social mediums. Also I would not put the full addresses of the links but simply put google + or twitter, etc. and just link it to the addresse using html it would look cleaner. If you have any more questions or if you need a little help with linking please feel free to e-mail me. Thanks for visiting!

  15. Thanks so much for the great freebies. Love the look. Cheers ! From TGI Saturday.

  16. Awesome, thanks for sharing these great resources as always! Pinning!

  17. Great, I love free stuff as well. Thank you for sharing.


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