
Monday, February 23, 2015

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

I have to admit I am fairly new to Twitter but love to learn how to utilize social media to gain new blog readers and since I spent some time learning for myself I decided to share everything I found with you.

I  actually find twitter to be one of the easiest social media forms to break into, and get return followers compared to say Pinterest.

But read that only 30% of people you follow will follow you back but in my experience it has been closer to 80 - 90%. So what can you do to dramatically increase your follower rates ? You can add accounts with similar interest and you can generally tell if someone will follow you back by looking at their following vs. followers numbers.

Generally if their following is higher (or at least relatively close) to their followers they will follow you back.

Making your Profile:

Make sure you add a photo of yourself (not another pic of your logo) people want to know you are not a robot. And you can write a short description of yourself or your brand/blog.

I recently created a post on creating a better twitter header for free including a tutorial and header dimensions .

Where to find followers:

You can use the Who to Follow Sidebar to find people with similar interests to yourself. Also once you click on a person they will recommend another 3 people you may want to follow. You can add several per day, I would generally recommend adding 10-15 new followers a day.

You can also visit Twitter (or Social Media) link parties. I like Twitter link parties because everyone is there for the same reason to get more exposure and more followers so they may be more likely to follow you.

Also I am currently hosting a month long Twitter Link Party where you can add your Twitter account to gain followers, or add a Tweet and get it re-tweeted.

How to Get Noticed:

Yes you want to tweet your own blog posts, I tweet a post as soon as it's posted and a couple links to older posts, but you also will want to retweet, comment or favourite other bloggers posts (probably about 3 a day) - and make sure you add @TheirTwitterName this is a quick and easy way to get noticed.

Also you can add a photo to your posts which will make them twice as likely to get noticed.

You will also want to use #hashtags - but sparingly. Probably about 2 per tweet, and you can also find trending hashtags on the left of the screen which you may want to mention. Keep your tweets between 120 - 130 characters long, use proper punctuation and don't be afraid to ask people to please retweet - they are more likely to retweet your posts when you ask them too.


Best Times:

They say the best times to post on Twitter are between 1:00 and 3:00 pm with higher engagement on the weekends. source

You can follow me on Twitter, I always add (family friendly) accounts back.

Did you have any Twitter tips??? I would love to hear them.


  1. Kristen, I'm so glad you could join us for Treasure Box Tuesday, and I really enjoyed this post. Who doesn't need this information?? Thank you! Pinning and tweeting! :)

  2. Excellent information! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned to the Bloggers Brags Broad.

  3. So many great tips. Twitter is a platform I've yet to sit down and learn, but I'll definitely be implementing several of these ideas. Thank you!

    1. You're welcome and I hope a few of these tips help your grow your reach on Twitter =)

  4. These are some great tips! I will definitely start applying them. Thank you! :)

  5. I'm a beginner when it comes to social media and Twitter has been a platform I've been most nervous to start. I feel a bit more at ease now that I've read some of your tips. It seems much more simple than I originally anticipated. :)

  6. Thanks for everything you share Kristen. I also have a post about how to get more followers on Twitter, with step by step instructions.

  7. Thanks for this Kristin- twitter is challenging for me because I tend to say too much lol. Also I dont really get much response on my tweets, even with retweeting. I'm going to try to post at the time you recommended and see if it makes a difference. Thank you!

  8. Everyone out there nowadays is wondering how to get more targeted twitter followers. This article provides a better depth of information.
