But, I felt like I just couldn't put off creating a Facebook page for my blog any longer... I felt like I was missing out on some awesome opportunities. Like sponsored posts which required you to promote their posts on Facebook and awesome blogger communities and Facebook groups. So I caved and joined Facebook....
I used a version of the header that I also used on Google+ and Twitter, and resized it in Pic Monkey which was super easy as they already have a Facebook timeline size , and had to adjust it a few times to work around my selfie and the wording but I think I almost got it...

So please stop by my Facebook page and give me a like and maybe a like on a post or two and I will definitely return the favour!
Did you have any tips for promoting your Facebook profile? I would love to hear them!
Welcome to Facebook!! I just liked your page. You should like a bunch of other blog pages but from your PERSONAL page, not from your musings FB. (then tag your FB page in a little message saying you liked from your personal page... what I did on your wall) For some reason fb doesnt really 'count' it when 'like' pages like other pages (that is confusing) It has to be an actual person's account. Your followers will grow before you know it!