
Monday, June 1, 2015

Bloggers Helping Bloggers

So I had this idea for a while - for bloggers to come together and review each other sites! This would be free - it just might take 10 or 15 minutes of your time but, you will have your site reviewed in return.

I have seen a few websites offering reviews but the costs ranged from $50 to astronomical prices, so I thought we could all help each other out.

I was trying to think of the best way to organize it, and am still thinking it over -- please leave a comment or e-mail me if you have any suggestions.

I was trying to think of a fair way to choose which site gets reviewed each week and decided to choose the blog based on a points system:

You will be given 5 points for linking up, and 15 points for reviewing the blog of the week. (People who don't put in any effort will receive less points) And a bonus 3 points for sharing on social media. Please tag me so I can reward the points. A tie will be given to the first one in the link up.

Let me know if you have any questions???

One site will be chosen each week, and the review will be posted on my site Monday's beginning at 7:30 am EST.

Please review sites on:
- overall appearance
- header
- sidebar (appearance and arrangement)
- how easy it is to follow on social media
- content
- how easy it is to read (fonts, etc.)
- how easy it is to navigate, and find what you are looking for.
- other comments or suggestions

And since this was the first week, and I hadn't chosen a blog to review yet, I though we could begin with my own... (shameless I know....)

Please e-mail your review to and I will review and organize them and post them next week. Along with the next blog to review.

And although it's not necessary I would love it if you followed me (I always follow back):

You can follow me on Pinterest, Google+, Facebook or Twitter 

And I would really appreciate it, if you could share this party on your sidebar or link party page. It will be better to get more reviews and opinions on your blogs.

Musings of an Average Mom

Please bare with me as this is the first week and I will try to iron out any kinks as we go along...

Please link up your main blog - and make sure you're email is correct as I will use this to contact the winner. And I will try to get to everyone in a fair and timely manner.

And please don't forget to review the blog of the week (this week is mine)

And you may leave a comment if there is anything you wanted people to focus on in their review and I will try to include it when your blog is chosen.

Thanks so much for participating!!!

Sorry this link party is closed visit Bloggers Helping Bloggers #2 for the current link party.


  1. Thanks for sharing at Bloggers Brags this week. I'm pinning it to our group board on Pinterest. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks for sharing Christine, I always appreciate a pin! And will be back next week.

  2. This sounds like a great idea! I love it! I will save this page for later and come back to review:)

    1. Thank you! I always appreciate a return reader :) And don't forget to add your link, if you are interested in having your blog reviewed soon.

  3. Good Luck with your project. IT sounds like a much better deal than paying $$! :)

  4. What a lovely, fabulous idea you have. You are so gracious to share you service with others. I think if we can be more supportive of one another, we could have have a great community of bloggers. Thank you so much for sharing at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! And I thought we can all help each other out on different areas, I'm hoping to add a Q & A forum in the near future...

  5. This is a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing!

  6. What a great idea. I'm surprised that no one has done this yet. Constructive criticism done the correct way can make an ok blog into a great one. I will participate in the future, but as for now, I am still learning my way around. I'm looking forward to the tips.

    1. Thanks so much! And I was always curious as what others thought of my blog so I figured a lot of other people would love some feedback in order to improve their blogs too. Hope to see you again!

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Nicole thanks so much for the well thought out review, definitely learned a lot and will be posting a summary next Monday. Had lots of people link up without reviewing so you are one of the front runners...

    2. Oh, that's great! I love to be in the front. As a runner I'm always in the back ; )


  8. Great idea! As I'm relatively new to blogging I'd love some feedback and tips.

  9. This is such a great idea! I am so glad you shared it on Tell It To Me Tuesdays!

  10. An awesome idea! Feedback is a great thing.

  11. Good post. Organizing is great. One suggestion is to use a "notes widget" for FYI's and short updates on front page. I use one from Wordpress where my blogs are at.

  12. This is such an awesome considered idea. How sweet of you.

  13. I love this idea! Such a great way to help other bloggers and get valuable feedback. Thanks for putting this together.

  14. This is a wonderful idea!! I need ALL the feedback I can get :) I won't be able to participate this week unfortunately, but I'll definitely get on board next week.

  15. OK Kristen, I am doing this at work so I have to say I SKIMMED your post. Probably why I am not sure how we do this. Are we writing a post about that person's blog or reviewing it on social media or privately reviewing to give each other tips on how to improve for our readers?

    1. Hi Sinea, I don`t know if you received my e-mailÉ But it`s basically three steps:

      1. You will be given 5 points for linking up each week.

      2. You will be rewarded 15 points for reviewing the blog of the week.

      3. And a bonus 3 points for sharing on each different social media platforms every week. Please tag me so I can reward the points.

      So for example if someone links up, reviews the weeks blog and shares on Google+ and Pinterest they will receive - 5 + 15 + 3 + 3 =26 points for the week which will be added to last weeks points.

  16. what a great idea! Saw your link at MomsResource, will certainly come back to reread it and participate!
    Cynthia @

  17. Don't have time to give it my attention just now, but it's a great idea & I look forward to getting involved in the future. You are always full of clever tips Kristen. Thanks for sharing at the Mom Blog Party this week on Mom Resource!

  18. Now this is an interesting idea! I like it! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up with us over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week! :)

  19. This is great! Thanks for putting it together. I'm new and really need the feedback. Very self conscious about it my site.

  20. This is such a great idea and help for each other! thanks for lining up at the best of the blogosphere. I will be linking up here too

  21. Great idea! Thanks for letting us be a part of it!

    Hello Kristen,
    that's been a great idea of yours.
    Unfortunately I can not make on my blog your button because the code with my blog is not compatible with the link.
    But I will make the image of your button on my sidebar.
    The webside is indeed in the picture.
    many Greetings

  23. This is also a great resource -- you get to hear what the average person thinks of your site. It's free and I think you can test your site 3 times a month. I've done it only once. It was scary to hear what they had to say but extremely helpful! Give it a try! Thanks for linking up with us at the Inspire Me Mondays Link-Up!

  24. This is definitely an interesting idea, however I think the best way to get participation would be if it were anonymous AND you would have to figure out how to make sure the bloggers getting reviewed are also doing reviews or at least one of the reviews. I wonder if this would be better in an e-mail you send out the link of the week and everyone responds. I bet you could even use a survey like this:

    I also agree that peek is a great tool as well. I need to use this again, in fact! :)

  25. What a great idea Kristen! I'm seeing that everyone agrees :) So much that you were the most clicked link at the Teach Me Tuesday party last week. You will be featured at this week's party.

    Thanks so much for linking up with us!
    Have an awesome week ;)

  26. I'm looking forward to learning from comments about other blogs--mine is so out of date. I haven't refreshed in five years. This will be an inspiration to get going.

  27. Thanks for sharing on the #ShareTheWealthSunday link up! Tweeted!!
