Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Trolls Movie Invitations

With anticipation for the Trolls movie coming out November 4, 2016 I designed a few party invitations. And if you were a kid of the 80s like myself you probably owned a few of these yourselves - although they seem to have gotten a lot cuter over a couple of decades...

Trolls Movie invitations

trolls movie 2016 invitations

I saved them two to a page -so you can just print them out on a standard 8" by 11" sheet of paper.

trolls movie 2016 free invitations

trolls movie free printable invitations

Here are a few different designs of free printable Trolls invitations I created.

trolls invitations

And here is Everything you Need for a Trolls Birthday Party

trolls birthday party

And let me know if you are having issues printing them, and if you are looking for specific printables feel free to leave a comment and I will try my best to design them.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. these are so super cool. I love trolls they have definitely been around for several years
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  3. So cute! The kids are going to love them.

  4. I cant figure out how to type on them, then print? Sorry if this is obvious! lol

  5. These invitations are so cute!!! This would make a fun party theme :) Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays. Merry Christmas

  6. Thanks so much! These invitations worked perfectly!


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