Thursday, August 25, 2016

2017 Blog Planner - free printables

I just finished designing a calendar for 2017 and in the spirit of getting organized decided  to create a coordinating blog planner for 2017 as well - with cover page, link party, passwords and affiliate printables.

free printable blog planner

I saved all the printables to drop box, so hopefully you have no problem printing them.

2017 blog planner

or here is the blue option for the cover page

2017 free blog planner

free vertical calendar to plan out all your posts

2017 blog planner calendar

And here is a printable affiliate list so you can keep track of the companies, websites, used I.D. and passwords. And not lose everything when your computer crashes.

free affiliate printable

Link Party printable - so you can keep track of which blog posts you shared at which party.

free link party printable

Or if you prefer to record the link parties you have added your newest blog post to, I created a printable with the blog post first.

link party list printable

And if you are looking for more link parties to join you can find a link party directory - I created sorted by date and time.

list of link parties

An Income Tracker printable - so you can keep track of all your money.

free blog income printable

And here is a password printable to keep track of the 18 million different password you have... or there abouts.

free password printable

And a weekly blog planning printable - with weekly schedule, to do list and upcoming post ideas.

free weekly blog planner

Future Blog Post Ideas - so you don't forget any of those fleeting brilliant ideas you have...

future blog post ideas
Blog to Do's... there is always a huge list of things to do for your blog from updates, replies, affiliates and more so you can keep track of all of them here.

blog to do list

And don't forget to pin this post as I will be adding even more free blog printables soon! And feel to leave a comment if you were looking for a specific printable and I'll do my best to create it.


  1. Beautiful printables! I love anything that can help to organise my bloglife and I need all the help I can get! Thanks for including us on your linky directory and for sharing with #fartglitter x

  2. I will become so much more organised using these printables. Thank you!

  3. These are beautiful blog planning sheets! Thanks for sharing!

    God bless,

  4. What an amazing resource! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What great organizational tools! Thanks for sharing with #overthemoon!

  6. Wow...these are so awesome and I plan to print them all! Thanks so much for sharing them at our Share The Wealth Sunday blog hop!!!

  7. You won Inspire Me Monday with this post! You will be featured on my blog tomorrow! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you I'm honoured. And I am glad people are enjoying my printables :) I was trying to organize my scatterbrained blog planning and created them for myself and decided to share.

  8. This is great! I'm always looking for a comprehensive blog planner and trying out different things, I love how you created that vertical calendar. Thanks for sharing with the Wednesday Showcase!

  9. Thank you for providing these without having to force us to sign up to something. :)

  10. What a great collection of calendar/blog organizers! I know I can definitely use them!

  11. Such a helpful resource thank you! I'll also have to check out your link party directory - I'm always looking for new link parties to join. Visiting from #alittlebitofeverything

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project

  12. These messages should be more often read by people.


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