
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Sing Movie Invitations

I love all the animated movies, although I don't know about watching Trolls 28 times back to back so am excited to see Sing - in theaters next weekend! A singing talent competition with animals and will feature some songs that will surely get stuck in your head (that will replace the current Timberlake)

Sing Movie Invitations

So I was inspired to create two different Sing Party Invitations.

free sing movie invitations

And here is the second version:

sing 2016 party printables

I saved them two to an 8 by 11 page for easier printing. 

Sing Movie Party printables,

I saved them to drop box so hopefully you have no issues printing them.

Sing Movie - Party Invitations 1

Sing Movie - Party Invitations 2

And you can find Everything you need for a SING party here

Sing Party Printables


  1. So cute and very handy! Loved the movie as did the kiddos... #DreamTeam

  2. Aww so cute! I haven't seen the movie yet but I'm sure we will soon...Thanks for sharing with #dreamteam

  3. Thanks for this template - I'm hosting an outdoor Sing movie night and these are the perfect size to slip into my kids' backpack to give to her classmates. Plus, you saved this mom a lot of time and effort. LOVE IT!

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  7. It might surprise you to hear that only 1% of the general population is tone deaf. That means that most people can tell the difference between different notes. And that means that even if you can sing a song, Missgammour that as long as you are not tone deaf, then you can improve your singing.
