I feel like everything is starting to come back around again when my kids ask to watch show I have nostalgia about including Pokemon.
I had so many Pokemon crochet patterns that I split this post into two parts. Scroll to the bottom to get the second post with Pokemon characters from M to Z.
Absol from Crochetemall
Aipom plushie crochet pattern from Wolf Dreamer
Alola Meowth Amigurumi Pokemon from Catherine Johansson
Azumarill amigurumi crochet pattern from Loopy Cathrine
Bulbasaur from 53 Stitches
Get this free Bulbasour pattern from Evelyn Pham
Bulbasaur succulent holder from Knotbadami
Bunnelby Crochet pattern from Kats Creations
Butterfree Amigurumi crochet pattern from Ami Amour
Nurse Chancey from ahareaffair
Charizard from Knotbadami
Mega Charizard Y by miahandcrafter
Charmander Amigurumi Crochet pattern from Strings Away
Cherubi Pokemon amigurumi crochet pattern from Loopy Catherine
Chibi Gardevoir from Cindy Tran
Get this Clefiary pattern from Chochetemall
Cyndaquil Amigurumi crochet pattern from Strings Away
Dedenne from crochetnanigans
Ditto crochet pattern from Crochet Fanatic
Dustox Amigurumi crochet pattern from Frog & Fasten
Electrode and Voltorb Amigurim crochet pattern from LoopyCatherine
Get this Eevee Amigurumi crochet pattern free from Amiamour
Eevee from 53stitches
Another version of Eevee
Electrode crochet pattern from Loopy Catherine
Get this Espeon crochet pattern from Crochetemall
Fennekin Pokemon Amigurumi Pattern from Strings Away
Flareon from 53Stitches
Froakie crochet pattern from Kats Creations
Get this Furret pattern from Chrochetemall
Galarian Corsola pattern from Frog & Fasten
Galarian Slowpoke crochet pattern from Cindy Tran
Glaceon from Evelyn Pham
Haunter Amigurumi Pattern from Strings Away
Get a free Hoppip pattern from Sabrina Sommers
Jigglypuff by Knotbadami
Jigglypuff hat from Crochet with Melanie
Jirachi crochet pattern from Danielle Adams
Jolteon from 53Stitches
Jolteon Amigurumi Pattern from Strings Away
Koffing Amigurumi crochet pattern from Loopy Cathrine
Baby Leafeon from Evelyn Pham
Get Leafeon from Chrocetemall
Leafeon Amigurumi from 53 Stitches
Lotad crochet pattern free download from Ravelry
Luvdisc amigurumi pokemon crochet pattern from Loopy Catherine
Pokemon crochet book with 20 cute patterns on Amazon
And you can find Part Two of the free Pokemon crochet patterns here
And you can find hundreds more free crochet patterns here

I thank you for the information and articles you provided
ReplyDeleteLove all your pokemon characters..chimchar is my grand son's favorite. Is there a pattern for him. Knit or crochet. Thanks
ReplyDeleteLove all your pokemon characters..chimchar is my grand son's favorite. Is there a pattern for him. Knit or crochet. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHi there, I love all your pokemon crochet collection!!!
ReplyDeleteI need a favor...I need the crochet pattern for pokemon Kecleon.
My 11 years old boy has been bugging me for the longest time to crochet/make Kecleon for him.
I've been hunting high and low finally I found you :P
Please help me to fulfill my little boy's wish!
Thank you very much!!!
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